Glaucoma ….
Glaucoma is the categorical name for a group of eye diseases that can affect vision with few or no symptoms. The vision loss suffered from glaucoma is due to damage to the ocular nerve, which is a bundle of nerve fibers that carry visual messages to the brain.
Glaucoma is basically defined as the optic nerve demage with sudden or gradual loss of vision eventually associated with increased intraocular
· Hazy or blurred vision
· Nausea and vomiting
· Severe headache and eyeache
· Appearance of rainbow colored rings around light
· Sudden loss of vision
If you ever feel that you have the above symptoms , immediately consult your ophthalmologist
In this disease several factors contribute. The risk factors might be one or more of the following :
Ø Having high intraocular pressure
§ Age over 60
§ Being black or Hispanic
§ Having a family history of glaucoma
§ Systemic disorders e.g diabetes , heart disease , hypertension , sickle cell aenemia
§ Being Myopic ( near sighted )
§ Having an eye surgery or eye injury
§ Being deficient in estrogen ( due to early removal of ovaries )
§ Using corticosteroids for a long time
Everyone should have their intraocular pressure checked regularly with fundus examination . family history is too much important if you have anybody in your family who suffered this disease then you need to watch out seriously .
Glaucoma can be slowed down with medication and treated with surgery too but if it has caused much vision loss and it has become untreated then you can only rely on low vision aids which will make your remaining life WORTH LIVING J
· Use magnifiers to magnify the image of certain things you hold close to see clearly
· Use colored filters to reduce the glare problem
· Use enlarged text computer
· Use contrast enhancing yellow or blue filter
Glaucoma——A risk Factor To Get LOW VISION
Low Vision??? You Can Still Live Your Life
Low Vision???
You Can Still Live Your Life J
Falling your vision day by day ?? No improvement with glasses ?? Unable to see centrally or peripherally ?? You might be a low vision patient .
Low Vision , Now Somewhat a well known term , is prevailing day by day throughout the world. There are many causes including Glaucoma , ARMD , Retinitis
Pigmentosa , Nystagmus, Stargardt’s Disease , Macular Hole , Amblyopia and many more. These diseases may lead you to total Blindness.
Now the term “ Blindness “ may horrify you but keep in mind “You can Change What You Want To “J
SO Do worry about your Eyes which are the path to your soul . You cannot fight some diseases as there is no way yet discovered to stop the disease but you can definitely slow down their progression e.g, Retinitis pigmentosa ( A hereditary Disease causing degeneration of rods and then gradually cones too causing your vision to fall down permanently ) . But Still if the progression of any disease is fast or either slow you can go for the most productive things the LOW VISIOJN AIDS.
"Your care should start with a low vision evaluation by a doctor of optometry or an ophthalmologist who specializes in low vision rehabilitation. The low vision examination is not the same as the retinal or general eye examinations you have experienced "
After Getting yourself thouroghly examined Your doctor will choose for you a low vision aid according to your condition .
· According to the level your vision has fallen
· The degree of field constricted
· To your level of compliance
Here are some low vision aids to get you people informed so you don’t have to fuss about the condition if you ever experience .
Magnifying screens. Magnification is extremely useful for elderly adults coping with low vision. By making things bigger, seniors are better able to see them and notice details. Holding a magnifying glass all the time, however, is impractical. Magnifying screens are large pieces of magnification material you can place over a television or computer screen to make it easier for your elderly loved ones to see what is on the screen, allowing them to enjoy these devices more.
• Modified keyboards. For those seniors who are not completely comfortable with typing, or who use the keyboard to control the computer in other ways, low vision can mean not being able to use a computer confidently and independently. Backlit keyboards feature fluorescent lighting behind the keys to create a stronger contrast so that your aging parents can see the keys more easily.
• Glowing paint. Low vision is not just frustrating for elderly adults, it can also be dangerous. Not being able to see properly can result in serious fall hazards, particularly around stairs and ledges, and can lead to impact injuries from walking into furniture and counter corners. Using paint that glows in the dark can allow you to mark these potential hazards so your aging loved ones can see them when trying to navigate the home in low-light conditions such as in the evening or at night. Paint a streak across the front of each step and at points in the home where the elevation changes suddenly, such as near a sunken room, so that the glow can guide them to step up properly.
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