

Low vision is when a person’s sight can't necessarily be corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
Low vision doesn't develop just because of old age. Your vision can get worse as a result of cataracts,age-related macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy.
According to a research , around 2 million people have significant sight loss in the UK.
Very few people have complete ‘black’ blindness, so any residual vision (remaining eyesight) needs to be maximised. People often go to a clinic hoping that a pair of glasses will fix their vision, but this may not always be possible. Low vision is treated by maximising the patient’s eyesight beyond what glasses or contact lenses can achieve.

When should you visit the optician?
Any decline in your sight should be checked by an optician. Signs that you need to seek help include:
  • colors look a bit washed out
  • you’re finding it difficult to judge the depth of steps
  • straight lines look wobbly
  • you find it hard to read

What support is available for low vision?
A visit to your optician is a good place to start. If a problem is detected, you'll be referred to the hospital to see an ophthalmologist (eye doctor). Your GP will be kept informed, and will give you extra support and advice if you need it.
If the eye doctor finds that your vision can't be improved by medical or surgical treatment, you may be referred to a low-   vision clinic. At the clinic, an optometrist can advise you about lighting and low-vision aids.
Being told you can't see (and that glasses or surgery can't improve your vision) can be a shock. It can be difficult to get used to that level of sight loss, but support is available from your clinic
Low Vision Aid

What is a low-vision aid?
A low-vision aid can be one of the following:
An optical low-vision aid, such as illuminated magnifiers, hand-held magnifiers or flat magnifiers. Aids for viewing faraway objects include monoculars and binoculars.
A non-optical low-vision aid, which includes everything from an anglepoise lamp, to bold-print books or liquid level indicators. These beep to stop you burning yourself when using hot water.

So go immediately for the low vision aids to use your remaining sight and live your life like a normal person . GOOD LUCK !!!


The Reach of Technology in Blind/Visually Impairment Equipment

The Reach of Technology in Blind/Visually Impairment Equipment
   Today we finding that there are so many undiscovered talents among the Blind/Visually Impaired Communities. Why are we just now discovering these amazingly talented and useful minds? It’s Simple!!! Today we have so much options in Technology to aide and assist the discovery of such an undiscovered, underestimated, and overlooked Group! The Visually Challenged are finally able to compete in all aspects!
   We now have Blind/Visually Impaired Business Owners, Leaders of Industry, IT Professionals, Government Approved Educators, Graphic Designers, and quite honestly I could go on and on with the expansion of just what the Visually Impaired can do today! The ability to accomplish all of the Achievements and Positions are directly due to Companies such as Freedom Eye Scientific! Companies that provide the Equipment to be able to do what’s necessary to be Valid!
  I have in my personal journey have found that Today’s Technology is a necessity for EVERYONE, especially the Visually Impaired! It is our Life’s Blood to be able to be connected to the world that surrounds us. Even to do the Basics, Cooking, Laundry, Cleaning, I need Aides to assist me…… In turn these Aides Grant me a Freedom in which otherwise I would have a BIG problem in achieving. I hope that all who read this recognize the value of Blind/Visually Impaired Aides truly are!
Freedom Eye Grants Freedom!!!!  

Causes of Low Vision

Causes of Low Vision

Some of the most common visual impairments that can cause low vision include the following: Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD/ARMD): AMD is a leading cause of vision loss among Americans over age 60. It accounts for nearly half of all low vision cases. It is caused when the part of the eye responsible for sharp, straight-on vision – the macula – breaks down and causes a loss of central vision. There are two types of AMD, wet and dry. Wet AMD is caused by the growth of abnormal blood vessels under the macula. Central vision loss occurs rapidly with wet AMD. In dry AMD, light-sensitive cells in the macula slowly break down, leading to a gradual loss of central vision. Diabetic Retinopathy: According to the National Eye Institute, more than 30 percent of Americans diagnosed with diabetes have some form of diabetic retinopathy. It is a major cause of blindness and is directly related to high blood sugar, which damages blood vessels. That damage affects the retina and can even lead to its detachment. Glaucoma: Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness. With glaucoma, portions of vision are lost over time, usually with no warning signs or symptoms prior to vision deterioration. For many, a decrease in peripheral vision is the first sign of glaucoma. Cataracts: Over 20 million people in the US alone have cataracts according to Prevent Blindness America.  It appears as a clouding of the lens of the eye. Retinitis Pigmentosa: This is a group of inherited diseases affecting the retina resulting in progressive vision loss. This type of vision impairment often begins in childhood with poor night vision and progresses over time. There are also many additional causes of low vision, including strokes, TBI (traumatic brain injury) and other diseases common among a wider age range such as Stargardts, albinism, ROP (retinopathy of prematurity), among others.

World Wide Solutions for Visually Impaired!!

World Wide Solutions for Visually Impaired!!
Our world has so many problems that given the right amount of Compassion, Finances, and Applications we could work together as one to solve! Recourse’s and shared Technology and Education are the main lack of action in areas on our Worlds Stage considered to be behind. With our Technology, we in general take for granted, is beginning to level the playing field for various areas!! Blind and Visually Impaired are finally able to be Educated as a Prime Example!!
Advancements in Technology and Visual Aides allow people otherwise at a disadvantage to finally become Educated on the same level as ANYONE else! If you look online there are so many various stories of people of Blindness or Visual Impairment that are found as Inspirations and perform Accomplishments that are considered Wondrous and Amazing! Technology and Visual Aides have unlocked the potential of the minds otherwise locked behind Blindness and Visual Impairment!
I am a Blind Graphic Designer, Apple, Google Developer, as well as Educator- I can honestly say that without Visual Aides I wouldn’t be able to offer the Educational Computer Training I Provide. There are Companies (Freedom Eye ) that make it their passion and Business to share these advancements Globally. Over the next 10 years due to these companies you will see the TRUE potential of such an underestimated and Segregated Group- Blind and Visually Impaired. If we as people use the same care and compassion that recently have released so many talented minds, what else could we accomplish?

Low Vision Special Optical Filter Glasses

There are millions of people who suffer from specific vision ailments that are not treatable. For many, the use of special absorptive filters aids their ability to see. We are proud that we offer four specific lens tints that hopefully will make many people’s lives just a little bit better. The following document outlines what our tints are and what they do.
Low vision is a subspecialty within the professions of optometry, ophthalmology and opticianry dealing with individuals who have less than normal vision even with the most accurate conventional prescription available. It can be a result of either congenital or acquired factors; anyone with non-correctable reduced vision is considered to be visually impaired, and can have a wide range of causes. There are also levels of visual impairment based on visual field loss (loss of peripheral vision). In the United States, any person with vision that cannot be corrected to better than 20/200 in the best eye, or who has 20 degrees (diameter) or less of visual field remaining, is considered to be "legally blind" or eligible for disability classification and possible inclusion in certain government sponsored programs.
Globally, in 2002 more than 161 million people were visually impaired, of whom 124 million people had low vision. However, refractive error as a cause of visual impairment was not included, which implies that the actual global magnitude of visual impairment is greater. There are many different causes of low vision; some of the ailments are Cataracts, Glaucoma, Uveitis, Macular degeneration, Corneal opacity, Trachoma, Diabetic retinopathy, Myopia magna, Stargardt's disease, Albinism and Retinitis pigmentosa.
There are several devices and treatments designed to improve and alleviate various types of low vision impairments, however improving sensitivity to contrast requires the person to use special optical filters. Low Vision special optical filters are available in four of the most prescribed tints Boysenberry (plum), Lemon (yellow), Hazelnut (amber) and Orange. Each tint is specifically designed to absorb different amounts of the visible light spectrum. For example, a patient may respond best to the reduction or elimination of scattered blue light. Blue light that enters the retina creates distortion by making the definition of objects not as crisp; our Hazelnut and Orange lenses are extremely effective for blocking blue light.
The Low Vision Hazelnut filter is often referred to as an amber tint. The tint blocks 98% of blue light and all visible light up to 410 nm. They are good general purpose glasses providing good visual acuity and have excellent glare protection. They are often recommended to aid those with vision loss connected to retinitis pigmentosa, diabetic retinopathy, pre-cataract and glaucoma.
Low Vision special optical filters with Orange filters have 34% light transmissions and blocks 100% of blue light and all visible light up to 520 nm. The lenses enhance contrast and provide protection from glare. They are helpful to individuals with macular degeneration.
Lemon filter, sometimes referred to as yellow, provides moderate blue light filtering, which is ideal for reading and watching television. Lemon provides 86% light transmission and blocks 100% UVA/UVB light and all visible light up to 470nm. It helps increase contrast indoors, but should not really be used outside in direct sunlight. It’s a tint that is better for low light conditions, unless specifically prescribed for outdoor use by a low vision specialist.
The Boysenberry lens, also referred to as plum, is ideal for reading and watching television. Boysenberry has 15% light transmission and provides 100% UVA/UVB protection. The filter blocks 90% of blue light and all visible light up to 410.

Are You Afraid of The Dark?

 Are You Afraid of The Dark?
In such a beautiful World, with all the things we see ,flowers, bright blue skies, vivid green grass, or even the smile of a loved one- Have you ever given pause and pondered what it would be like to slowly or even quickly lose those things we hold precious, but yet take or granted? To suddenly find that you will slowly only see darkness? The pain of knowing you will never see your children Graduate, Marry, or the heart wrenching knowledge all things you love will in time slip and be lost memories to the time The DarkBlindness overcomes.
  In a time such as this what will you do? Where do all dreams of the future go? Mentally how will you handle such a parting loss? Here is what I have found to be true, the struggle within is momentous, terrifying, and at times you question your worth as well as purpose. Forever trapped in the dark and within your own mind and thoughts. Can you imagine?
  As with all things, time begins to heal and knowledge once again sparks an inferno within the darkness. You are at a Crossroads as never experienced before….. Stay in the clutches o your mind and Torment, or claw your way to purpose? I am very Lucky or stubborn, I chose to rise from the ashes of my torn heart & soul and rise once again. Of course I realized that to be even considered I would have to perform double the work as a “Normal” person would, and learn through a LOT of Assistive Technology and Various Aide Technology has provided to the Visually Impaired and Blind, that Today, I am a Professional Business Owner, as well as a Teacher of others.
  A Heart of Passion and Desire of Purpose CAN Overcome!!!!

Blindness & Low Vision’s World Today

Blindness & Low Vision’s World Today
Days of past, and the lives and history of lifestyle and the Treatment of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Various times throughout our recorded history, those of Blindness were portrayed as invalids, paupers, as well as helpless beggars. It remained the opinion of the common public for Centuries. In even recent history the Blind were put into institutions along with those of Mental Disabilities, in Schools the children were separated, and taught little. Today I even know people of Blindness that as a child competed in the Special Olympics, and their Mobility Training consisted of being handed a cane and sent up the street to retrieve another’s Dry Cleaning. Until Braille there was very limited education available. With the creation of Braille based off of the French Language it took quite some time for others to learn the patterns of Braille, and even longer to instruct or educate others. To say the3 least History hasn’t been Kind to the Blind….
The Discovery of the Blind Mind & Todays Advancements in Lifestyle & Technology
We live in an ever evolving and changing Society and Acceptable Cultures. The world today has made advancements in so very many ways. The overall outlook has made considerable advancements, but overall the same opinion remains, Blind and Visually Impaired are Handicap. The difference is that today there are Blind Individuals who are being found to be Amazing as well as Awe Inspiring. Here are a few simple facts about those of Blindness- Generally speaking- The Blind have Normal Minds!!! If not, minds that some considered advanced do to the ability to use other senses differently. The Advances that are beginning to set us apart are Technological! There are so many various aides for all areas of a total Independent life without sight.

Companies that offer these aides and the access they provide the Blind and Visually Impaired are truly life givers, As a Blind Man, I personally use these aides to their fullest, which enables me to be a Graphic Developer, Apple Developer, as well as a Google Developer. The tools necessary to unleash the Blind Mind are HERE and constantly evolving!!



The FE013 LED magnifier can either be handheld or can be unfolded to get support from its base and stand on its own. It produces light through activation whereby a voltage gets to be applied to the light emitting diodes. This results to combination of electrons to the magnifier thereby causing energy to be released.  It is therefore possible to magnify texts and videos through this gadget to make it easy for those with eye sight challenges to see clearly.
There are many types of LED magnifiers which include edge lit LED. This works by forming the light emitting diodes around its screen rim. This light is hence spread evenly to enable the screen give a good capture. Another type is the LED backlight which works specifically behind the screen. With this, it is difficult to adjust its brightness making it uncommon for usage. There is dynamic backlight which is an individually controlled LED capable of controlling light on the screen.
It is usually beneficial to use LED magnifiers because of their low consumption rate which in turn pulls down power expenditure in general. LED also emit low heat which is a good source for light conversion. It is regarded as highly efficient and good enough for many homes. These magnifiers give it right through brighter light, which results to accuracy and a clear vision.  These magnifiers can be used as handheld or you may opt to put them as standalone depending on the nature of your work at that particular time. Their flexibility in terms of usage makes them highly favored by many. We can’t forget that they are duly durable and can last for so many hours without being charged. It also comes in a magnificent design which is highly portable and can be carried along to the field.



Those with low vision find the handheld magnifier a perfect tool for enlarging texts and pictures.  The FE006 model of handheld magnifier has a lens of up to 75 mm which is glass made. These gadgets are easily affordable because they cost less as compared to the portable magnifiers.  Use it by holding the handle and using the glass top to view your object.  This is the way to make sure that you get to see exactly what are indicated especially small images, objects or text.
Try adjusting the distance in between to get the proportionate stand.  Whether you are short sighted or long sighted, this video magnifier will just work well for you because you can move it forth and back consistently. It has been proved to be the aid of so many people with eye impartiality and has stood the task of correcting eye sightedness in a big way.
There are many models to buy from and you can get either illuminated or non illuminated magnifiers and these have different lens designs. These range from diffractive lens, biconvex, aspheric and much more. The light source is another consideration when checking on which model to go for.  Like the FE006 model is LED illuminated and gives a power source of 3X the actual object.
These handheld magnifiers are suitable for short duration tasks because you have to hold it adjacent and support its weight. Otherwise, if your task involves a long study of a particular object then opt for the microscope as a form of magnification. The handheld magnifiers are suitable for things like reading a phone number, a menu or a prescription bottle to know what the doctor indicated in regard to medication.  Handheld are smart in nature and can be carried along in your purse without much hustle.


If you are among those who get it challenging to view your television or any screen, then you don’t have to worry anymore because dove portable video magnifier is a perfect solution to your problem. This 4.3” handheld video magnifier has many great qualities to offer. This gadget is simple to use and can be carried to any destination.  They also come in different colors and styles to show how classic they are. Besides, the level of color contrast gives crisp images for clearer viewing. It has a magnification range of 4 times the image up to 25 times to give you a clearer picture. This is an aid to so many people who have had eye sight problems. With this gadget, it is possible to magnify even the tiniest writing and still get the real picture with no straining.
Depending on the level of problem your eye might have put you through, you get to choose from among the seven color modes to the one that suits you best. Many people like the full color which gives every color as the original image. There are also black and white and other contrast colors as well.  Connecting this gadget is enabled through the video out which has the capability to connect to any screen or monitor as long as it has got a video in port.  The dimension of this light portable video magnifier is 157 mm x 88 mm x 25 mm.
Try this video magnifier and get all the value for your money. It comes with all the accessories needed and step by step guide to let you know the right direction to follow. It is also possible to freeze and defreeze the system without any hitch. The battery is both rechargeable and replaceable and can be used for 4 hours continuously without interruption.


This video magnifier is a big gain to those who have some visual difficulties. It measures 3.5 inches and has a capability of magnifying up to 7 colour modes. These are meant for different people because visual impairment do not sum to equal measures. The different modes are therefore meant to suit different people in regard to what they need. This magnifier enables the changing of its battery to make it convenient at any time. You can use one battery for four hours without it starting to drain off.
You can practically carry this magnifier to any location because of its pocket size nature.  Just plug it in to any monitor which has got a TV in-connect and carry on your viewing.  This is what is meant to offer you a large display and help in reading such. This is indeed a good gift idea for a friend or parents who have already started ageing. Many of such age complain of visual disabilities and watching the television is one such problem. The handheld magnifier with give them the best of show with everything being magnified for better viewing and understanding.
Using it is very simple with easy learn steps to follow. The variety of its color mode also adds value to this gadget. You can go for full color to be able to see everything as original as possible. Other modes comprise of blue on white, blue on yellow and so on. It is good to understand which mode suits what kind of person.
This video magnifier has a dimension of 75 mm x 20 mm x 105 mm and a weight of about 185g to give it its light nature. It is capable of magnifying pictures from 3 times and up to 15 times the original plan.


This portable video magnifier is compatible and can work in any television or monitor through the video input.  Using it is quite easy as compared to the wired one and this makes it comfortable especially when scanning written materials. Sending these materials to your TV is also done wirelessly thereby making it a real time magnifier with capability to go up to 28 times the actual character. Once this is so, viewing becomes no problem and actually everyone is able to see the writings clearly on board.
The manner in which this magnifier works is what you need to know so as to be able to see the logic behind the screen. It contains a pixel handheld scanner which has a brightness of about 650 x 500. It is this scanner that is capable of picking each and every picture detail and transferring them to the TV screen. It is also able to pick texts in raw data form and transfer as well. Since it is wireless, these reading materials are transmitted wirelessly to the specific station which his meant to connect to the television through RCA cable.  These you can zoom in and out to see the picture to finer details.
Depending on the television inch the magnifier gives different magnitude. Like a television screen of 20 inch would generate 20 times the actual image. While digitally, it would give more than double going to 70 times. What makes this magnifier a choice of many it that it has a rechargeable battery that can go up to 6 hours without recharge.  The viewing modes are also attractive enough and you can opt for full color if you want to see things as they are. Another mode is black and white for moderate viewing. High contrasts positive and negative are other modes which allow you flexibility in adjustments.


Binocular telescope is best when it comes to distant focus. They function like eyeglasses and are good especially for outdoor activities. It is a good idea to know which particular binocular works best for you depending on which places to frequent and what time of day.  These combinations work as a guide when it comes to choosing the suitable binocular.
Sports and outdoor activities
Outdoor activities require a large view and those binoculars that have a wide angle are what you need. Compact binoculars also fit here well being capable of magnifying up to 10 times the image. Simply use a strap around the neck to store them as you continue with your sporting or you can fit them well into your pocket and only take them out when necessary.
Watching birds
This activity needs the standard binocular which enables you to have a view of more details found on the smaller birds. It is a good choice if your magnifier enables you to have your view from any distance location and still get the finer details.
Hunting binoculars
Get a magnification ability binocular capable of doing 7 times the actual image. However, if you intend to do distant range shooting, then a binocular video magnifier which gives 12 times the image is the best match.
Concert binoculars
This is what you need to enable you follow these proceedings without interruption.
Boating binoculars
This may not require so high magnification because of the water challenges like tides and waves. One that can magnify up to 7 times is just good enough. However, for this category ensure your binocular has additional water proof and rubber guarding features to save it from water splashes.


If you want to magnify any kind of material be it pictures or text, then this portable video magnifier can take you great heights with your mission. It is quite easy to use and all the accessories are clearly labeled for ease of identification. It has proved to give up to 70 times magnification ability. It has got a freeze button which when switched also defreeze the current image. This is probably when you want to concentrate on something different apart from what is being shown on screen.  The wire magnifier is easy to use and offers guidelines to make the connection be regarded an easy task.
This portable video magnifier has a zoom button to enable you either zoom in or out depending on what you want to view. At times you may want to increase the fonts or sizes of the pictures and that is when this feature comes in handy. Other accessories included within include the A/C adapter which has got a video out cable and a power in for letting in power. These you can use with any kind of monitor or television because it is highly compatible with them.  its compatibility nature has placed it a head of other video magnifiers.
The video mode is another key area which this portable video magnifier is highly favored for. You can switch to full color mode if you want to see pictures in real video form. It also helps in promoting originality of the picture in question. You could also opt for black and white mode to show some uniformity of the pictures. Many people who have got eye problems would prefer the black and white mode because bright images may cause eye sight interferences.  Some other modes which are supported include high contrast positive and high contrast negative modes.

Video Magnifiers: The Different Types

Video Magnifiers: The Different Types
These devices consist of a camera that magnifies an image onto a display screen which may be a part of it or attached to it. Most models can be able to be adjusted with regards to contrast and magnification to suit the user although the different types usually vary considerably. Also some models have black and white images or colored ones depending on it. They are also quite expensive and it is usually advised to try them out first before purchasing.
There are different types of video magnifiers as shown below:
· Pocket handheld video magnifiers: they usually provide a magnified image on an integrated screen. Many of them usually give the user a choice of contrast modes and can also capture the image so you don’t have to keep the magnifier fixed on the original image. Some can be attached to a t.v screen or monitor.
· Portable video magnifiers: these are portable , though not pocket sized, devices that come with a screen which provides users with the magnified image. The camera and screen are usually separate units that are connected with a cable. The magnification range for these devices usually tends to be limited as compared to desktop video magnifiers.
· Video magnifiers requiring connection to tv or pc: these magnifiers usually provide their users with a magnified image when connected to either the t.v or p.c screen. They normally include a handheld camera that looks like a computer mouse and which rests on the original image and can be moved across the image or the object. It can also be similar in appearance to a desktop lamp which has its head containing the camera and can be angled to sit above the document. The magnification range for these cameras depends on the size of the t.v or p.c screen.
· Desktop video magnifiers: these are devices with the camera and screen combined into one and are desktop mounted rather than portable. Printed materials are placed on a reading table which can be moved left, right or forward, backward. They are suitable for writing as there is space for writing under the camera.