In such a beautiful World, with all the things we see ,flowers, bright blue skies, vivid green grass, or even the smile of a loved one- Have you ever given pause and pondered what it would be like to slowly or even quickly lose those things we hold precious, but yet take or granted? To suddenly find that you will slowly only see darkness? The pain of knowing you will never see your children Graduate, Marry, or the heart wrenching knowledge all things you love will in time slip and be lost memories to the time The DarkBlindness overcomes.
In a time such as this what will you do? Where do all dreams of the future go? Mentally how will you handle such a parting loss? Here is what I have found to be true, the struggle within is momentous, terrifying, and at times you question your worth as well as purpose. Forever trapped in the dark and within your own mind and thoughts. Can you imagine?
As with all things, time begins to heal and knowledge once again sparks an inferno within the darkness. You are at a Crossroads as never experienced before….. Stay in the clutches o your mind and Torment, or claw your way to purpose? I am very Lucky or stubborn, I chose to rise from the ashes of my torn heart & soul and rise once again. Of course I realized that to be even considered I would have to perform double the work as a “Normal” person would, and learn through a LOT of Assistive Technology and Various Aide Technology has provided to the Visually Impaired and Blind, that Today, I am a Professional Business Owner, as well as a Teacher of others.
A Heart of Passion and Desire of Purpose CAN Overcome!!!!