Those with low vision find the handheld magnifier a perfect tool for enlarging texts and pictures. The FE006 model of handheld magnifier has a lens of up to 75 mm which is glass made. These gadgets are easily affordable because they cost less as compared to the portable magnifiers. Use it by holding the handle and using the glass top to view your object. This is the way to make sure that you get to see exactly what are indicated especially small images, objects or text.
Try adjusting the distance in between to get the proportionate stand. Whether you are short sighted or long sighted, this video magnifier will just work well for you because you can move it forth and back consistently. It has been proved to be the aid of so many people with eye impartiality and has stood the task of correcting eye sightedness in a big way.
There are many models to buy from and you can get either illuminated or non illuminated magnifiers and these have different lens designs. These range from diffractive lens, biconvex, aspheric and much more. The light source is another consideration when checking on which model to go for. Like the FE006 model is LED illuminated and gives a power source of 3X the actual object.
These handheld magnifiers are suitable for short duration tasks because you have to hold it adjacent and support its weight. Otherwise, if your task involves a long study of a particular object then opt for the microscope as a form of magnification. The handheld magnifiers are suitable for things like reading a phone number, a menu or a prescription bottle to know what the doctor indicated in regard to medication. Handheld are smart in nature and can be carried along in your purse without much hustle.