


Diabetes is one of the leading cause of blindness all over the world. It can effect vision in a variety of ways . Vision loss occurs due to two major problem which  are proliferative diabetic retinopathy and macular edema. Both are treatable with lasers but laser treatment can cause additional vision problems
People who are at most risk are the ones who have diabetes for long time or who are not treating their disease efficiently . Diabetic patient must be aware of the changes that occur due to diabetes .Diabetes can cause renal dysfunction , hypertension , retinopathy (diseases of retina) etc.
Here we will talk about Diabetic retinopathy that causes low vision or even blindness
Diabetic retinopathy is caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina (the back of your eye ). When these blood vessels are damaged, they may leak blood and grow fragile new vessels. When the nerve cells are damaged, vision is impaired. These changes can result in blurring of your vision, hemorrhage into your eye, or, if untreated, retinal detachment. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease and a leading cause of blindness in the United States.
Risk Factors
- Poorly-controlled diabetes
·    High blood pressure
·    Long-term duration of diabetes
·    Elevated blood cholesterol levels
·    Sleep apnea
People with untreated diabetes are 25 times more at risk for blindness than the general population. The longer a person has had diabetes, the higher the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy. Fortunately, with regular, proper eye care and treatment when necessary, the incidence of severe vision loss has been greatly reduced. If you have diabetes, your ophthalmologist can help to prevent serious vision problemS,
Two major causes of vision loss are :
1-Macular edema

     2- Proliferative retinopathy and vitreous hemorrhage

Diabetic will suffer from following symptoms :
Fluctuating vision (changes in eye sight after short periods)
Loss of central sharp vision

Color vision effected ( no differentiation in yellow-green color )
Even when the diabetics take laser treatment it can also cause additional problems for vision
Loss of side vision after laser
Difficulty to differentiate lighter shades and unability to bear brighter light
Night blindness after laser ( unable to see at night so difficulty in driving or in dusk or foggy condition)
Diplopia (seeing double )

When searching for diabetic retinopathy aids, finding devices that provide additional lighting, viewing choices (such as vertical and horizontal screen), focus adjustment/magnification power, and color contrast options are all great features for visual support. Some diabetic retinopathy aids, like an electronic magnifier, can be carried in a pocket or a purse and offer powerful magnification, lighting, and image capture, which is helpful when viewing a menu for individuals with central loss of vision. With a feature like image capture, the information being viewed can be captured on the screen and displayed like a photograph, allowing the user to move the device displaying the image, to where peripheral sight can gather the magnified information. Larger diabetic retinopathy aids such as a desktop magnifier provide more hands-free visual assistance, geared at home and office usage. When deciding upon which diabetic retinopathy aid is right for you, determine what your primary use of the device will be, explore the features available and the ease of use of each aid, seek product feedback, and discuss with your eye-care specialist the available products for diabetic retinopathy aids.
Key to diabetic vision loss is to prevent it through early detection and treatment. Once vision loss has occurred go to low vision specialist who will cope with your problem.

