If you have Glaucoma , Cataract , Macular degeneration , Diabetic retinopathy or are otherwise visually impaired, you’ll be pleased to know that Low Vision Aids can help! Low vision aids are also clinically proven to improve reading speed!
What are low vision aids ??
Low Vision Aids are tools that help those with vision loss maximize their remaining vision and these devices fall into one of three broad categories:
· Optical devices
· Electronic devices
Non-optical devices
Low Vision aids are like tools in a tool box. Just as a carpenter needs a hammer, screwdriver, and pliers to complete different tasks, so too willsomeone who is visually impaired need a number of Low Vision devices to perform various activities. A hand held magnifier may work great to read a menu, but not so well to read a book as you would get tired of holding it in your hands. In that case,a stand magnifier or pair of high-powered spectacles would work better. Typically, patients find success in maximizing their remaining vision with 3-5 different Low Vision aids.