
Finding Low Vision Magnifiers

Now that you know the types of magnifiers, where can you get one? It has always been advised that due to the expensive nature of these devices, you should be better off consulting with a low vision expert. These experts can show you the different types of magnifiers and you can purchase the best you think will suit your needs.
However, some devices usually require that you get some training since they are complex and they are usually not advised for old people who might be experiencing memory loss problems. If you do plan on buying it on your own then you find a low visionoutlet where you can:
· Visit and try out more expensive devices before deciding to make the purchase, this will help you know exactly which one suits your needs as well as making correct budgeting decisions.
· Get a warranty that will enable replacement or repair if something goes wrong with the device before a specific time period elapses.
· Return the device for a refund within a reasonable time period if you find it doesn't work for you.
You also can review low vision devices by asking your eye doctor or other outlets for catalogs. There are also many low vision devices advertised on the internet. You are also advised to look for a dealer who is reputable for selling these devices.
Low vision magnifiers do cost a lot of money and there are some instances where you need not make an extra investment if you already have a good computer and monitor. Depending on the software available you can make use of built in magnification features and contrast adjustments. Low vision features are also being offered in other devices such as phones depending on the type

